Shreem Solar

Solar Power Plant for Housing Societies

solar power plant

There is huge unused rooftop space found in every housing society in our country which can be easily converted into a massive Solar Farm which will save huge money in terms of their electricity bills in other words the annual electricity expenses of a housing society can be saved 100% through Solar Power Plant at the rooftop, in addition the system helps in reducing the carbon footprint to the great extent. Many Housing Societies are saving from 5 – 7 lakhs to 80 – 90 lakhs Rupees annually. 

Below are the benefits of Solar Power Plant in housing societies. 

Financial Benefits

  • Up to 90% Saving in Annual Electricity Expenses.
  • 30% CFA from MNRE on project benchmark cost. 
  • 31.2% of the total project cost is NET SAVING under AD benefits.
  • 30% saving on top floor air conditioning expenses.
  • Quick pay back in 3 to 4 years. 
  • We offer most advanced Sun tracking based solar power plant which gives you upto 40% return on your Investment which is far higher than any other investment options available in the market. 

Social Benefits

  • Societies having Solar Power Plant get Recognized well and certified for its social initiative. 
  • Having a Solar Power Plant on the Rooftop and at unused Land proves you are concerned about your Social Responsibilities and working sincerely to make a Clean & Green Nation.
  • Such societies are known to be prominent & trendsetter and preferred by the people.