Shreem Solar

Solar Power Plant for Workshop/Warehouse/Commercial Set up

Solar Power Plant

Large proportion of the total area owned by such establishments is their unused rooftops which are rarely used by them. But now the time has come to utilize such unused rooftop space for making lakhs or even crores of rupees every year. Many such establishments are generating electricity worth Rupees 20 to 30 lakhs to even 3 to 4 Crores annually along with lots of other benefits.

Financial Benefits

  • Up to 90% Saving in Annual Electricity Expenses.
  • Up to 31.2% of the total project cost is NET SAVING under AD benefits.
  • 30% saving on top floor air conditioning expenses.
  • Quick Pay Back in 3 to 4 years.
  • We offer most advanced Sun tracking based solar power plant which gives you upto 40% return on your Investment which is far higher than any other investment options available in the market. 

“CSR” Benefits

  • Companies can invest into Solar Power Plant and get benefited under their CSR obligations. 

Social Benefits

  • Businesses having solar power plant at their rooftop are certified for their contribution into reduction of carbon footprint.
  • They get awarded by the government and benefited in many schemes.
  • They are known to be a responsible corporate who helps government in achieving the goals set into Global environmental summits.
  • They are treated as more concerned business houses towards our environment and planet earth.