Shreem Solar

Solar Power Plant for Institutes / Engineering Colleges

Solar Power Plant

The huge unused rooftop space of an institute can be converted into a large Power house which produces free electricity in almost Nil maintenance, parking roofs are an another option where free electricity can be generated by such systems. It can also be used in gardens and on free lands as it enhances the beauty in many fold.

Financial Benefits

  • Up to 80% Saving in Annual Electricity Expenses.
  • 30% CFA from MNRE on project benchmark cost.
  • 31.2% of the total project cost is NET SAVING through AD benefits.
  • 30% saving on top floor air conditioning expenses.
  • Quick pay back in 3 to 4 years. 
  • We offer most advanced Sun tracking based solar power plant which gives you upto 40% return on your Investment which is far higher than any other investment options available in the market. 

Educational Benefits

  • Engineering Colleges can use Solar power plant as an educational tool for Electrical Engineering Students. 
  • Other Institutes can also use Solar Power Plant as an educational tool for their Science Stream Students. 
  • They can use the Solar power plant as a working laboratory to teach the renewal energy chapter to the students. 
  • We will help in setting it as a Laboratory by providing additional measuring and observation tools at various stages so that every stage can easily be explained to students.
  • It will help students knowing more clearly a Solar Power Plant.

Social Benefits

  • Institute having Solar Power Plant get recognized & certified by the Government.      
  • Having a Solar Power Plant on the rooftop and at unused land proves you are concerned about your Social Responsibilities and working sincerely to make a Clean & Green Nation. 
  • Colleges having rooftop solar power plant be seen as a pioneer and trendsetter that better prepares your students for the future.